Agents ============ A (growing) set of agents is being provided to form a collaborating agent system. All agents can be started in debugging mode via debug flag ``-d``. Welcome handshake: Whenever an agents starts it sends a PING broadcast to all peers. They respond with the required PONG response. Ping Agent ----------------- Simple agent which broadcasts PING messages. .. code-block:: shell $ ./ -d Control Agent ----------------- Agent to send control messages to one or all agents in the system. For certain commands the RPC interface is being used, e.g. start/stop of agent behaviour (call). .. code-block:: shell $ ./ --help Usage: [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: -d, --debug --help Show this message and exit. Commands: broadcast call # RPC call list-behaviour list-peers send-message # Example: $ python broadcast '{"c_type": "DemoData", "c_data": "{\"message\": \"Hello World\", \"date\": 1546300800.0}"}' "MSG_TYPE" $ python list-behaviour SqlAgent $ python send-message '{"c_type": "DemoData", "c_data": "{\"message\": \"Hallo World 2\", \"date\": 1546300800.0}"}' "MSG_TYPE" SqlAgent $ python call start|stop SqlAgent SqlBehav Historian ----------------- Agent to store messages in a SQL database. Out of the box it comes with a sqlite database in the project root: ``example.db``. .. code-block:: shell $ ./ To check that entries are stored in DB: .. code-block:: shell $ python send-message '{"c_type": "DemoData", "c_data": "{\"message\": \"Hallo World 2\", \"date\": 1546300800.0}"}' "MSG_TYPE" SqlAgent $ sqlite3 example.db 'select * from json_data' -- Loading resources from /home/tw/.sqliterc id ts sender rmq_type content_type routing_key data ---------- -------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------- -------------------------------------------------- 1 2019-11-28 16:16:52.896147 ctrl MSG_TYPE DemoData SqlAgent {"message": "Hallo World 2", "date": 1546300800.0} ASGI Agent for WEB exposure --------------------------- An ASGI agent provides several WEB endpoints. Every ASGI agent provides full agent functionality:: $ ./ This exposes the following endpoints:: http:localhost:8000 http:localhost:8000/ws http:localhost:8000/jsonrpc http:localhost:8000/openapi http://localhost:8000/static/frontend/index.html