Source code for asgi_agent


In order to run message-consumers based on aio-pika inside a set of HTTP endpoints served by uvicorn
in the same event loop, it requires to move configuration and initialization of consumers inside the app served by uvicorn.

import logging
import os

import apistar
import uvicorn
import yaml
from aiofile import AIOFile
from apispec import APISpec
from apispec.ext.marshmallow import MarshmallowPlugin
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.endpoints import WebSocketEndpoint
from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from starlette.middleware.errors import ServerErrorMiddleware
from starlette.middleware.gzip import GZipMiddleware
from starlette.middleware.httpsredirect import HTTPSRedirectMiddleware
from starlette.middleware.trustedhost import TrustedHostMiddleware
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse, HTMLResponse
from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket
from starlette_apispec import APISpecSchemaGenerator
from starlette_jsonrpc import dispatcher

from agent import Agent
from jsonrpc_endpoint import ExampleRpcEndpoint
from messages import ManageBehav
from settings import DEFAULT_CORS_PARAMS, html2
from utils import setup_logging

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PlatformInformationSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str()
[docs]class JsonRpcSchema(Schema): id = fields.Int() method = fields.Str() jsonrpc = fields.Str() params = fields.List(fields.Raw())
# params = fields.Raw()
[docs]class WsController(WebSocketEndpoint): """WsController Implements websocket communication for AsgiAgent. Exposes websocket at Core as ```` """ counter = 0 encoding = "json" # TODO: only working for one connection:
[docs] async def on_receive(self, websocket, data): app = self.scope.get("app") core = app.agent _log.debug(f"ws.receive: {data}") msg = dict(msg=f"Message text was: {data['command']}") originator = data.get("originator") agent = originator.get("name").split(".")[0] behav = originator.get("name").split(".")[1] command = data.get("command") obj = ManageBehav(behav=behav, command="stop",) # map commands if command == "Stop": obj.command = "stop" else: obj.command = "start" result = await, target=agent)"rpc result: {result}")
# await websocket.send_json(msg)
[docs] async def on_connect(self, websocket): app = self.scope.get("app") = websocket # make ws available at AsgiAgent core = app.agent await websocket.accept() msg = dict(msg=f"Connected with {core.identity}") await websocket.send_json(msg)
[docs] async def on_disconnect(self, websocket: WebSocket, close_code: int) -> None: app = self.scope.get("app") = None core = app.agent await websocket.close(code=1000)"Webscoket connection closed by client {websocket.client}")
[docs]class AsgiAgent(Starlette): """AsgiAgent Wraps agent into Starlette ASGI application. Implements jsonrpc interface:: curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"method":"example_rpc_method","params":[1,2],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1}' http://localhost:8000/jsonrpc Provides OPENAPI (Swagger) documention of exposed endpoints via Serves static files from ./static:: Exposes websocket at:: """ def __init__(self, agent, *args, **kwargs): super(AsgiAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.debug = kwargs.get("debug", False) = None self.agent = agent self.agent.web = self self.add_event_handler("startup", self.agent.start) self.add_event_handler("shutdown", self.agent.stop) self.add_middleware(GZipMiddleware) self.cors = False self.cors_params = DEFAULT_CORS_PARAMS if self.cors: self.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware, **self.cors_params) self.add_middleware(ServerErrorMiddleware, debug=self.debug) self.allowed_hosts = ["*"] self.add_middleware(TrustedHostMiddleware, allowed_hosts=self.allowed_hosts) self.hsts_enabled = kwargs.get("hsts_enbled", False) if self.hsts_enabled: self.add_middleware(HTTPSRedirectMiddleware) self.add_route("/", self.homepage, methods=["GET"], include_in_schema=True) self.add_route( path=f"/jsonrpc", route=ExampleRpcEndpoint, include_in_schema=True ) self.add_route(path=f"/openapi", route=self.openapi, include_in_schema=False) self.add_route(path=f"/ws_html", route=self.ws_html, include_in_schema=False) self.add_websocket_route(path="/ws", route=WsController, name="ws") self.rpc_dispatcher = dispatcher ################################################################################ # OpenAPI ################################################################################ self.schema_generator = None self.schema_models = dict() self.add_schema("PlatformInformation", PlatformInformationSchema) # self.add_schema('JsonRpc', JsonRpcSchema) # TODO: fix openapi spec with model definition ################################################################################ # static files ################################################################################ self.static_dir = "static/" self.static_route = f"/{self.static_dir}" # Make the static/templates directory if they don't exist. for _dir in (self.static_dir,): if _dir is not None: os.makedirs(_dir, exist_ok=True) if self.static_dir is not None:"Configuring route {self.static_route}") self.mount( self.static_route, app=StaticFiles(directory=self.static_dir, packages=None), name="static", )
[docs] async def homepage(self, request): """home --- description: Home responses: 200: content: application/json: schema: PlatformInformationSchema """ return JSONResponse(PlatformInformationSchema().dump({"name": "ASGI Agent"}))
def ws_html(req, request): return HTMLResponse(html2) async def openapi(self, request): # noinspection PyTypeChecker self.schema_generator = APISpecSchemaGenerator( APISpec( title="Example API", version="1.0", openapi_version="3.0.0", info={"description": "ASGI Agent"}, plugins=[MarshmallowPlugin()], ) ) # type: ignore # add opneapi models based on Marshammallow for name, schema in self.schema_models.items(): self.schema_generator.spec.components.schema(name, schema=schema) # create spec file for display via apistar schema = yaml.dump( self.schema_generator.get_schema(routes=self.routes), default_flow_style=False, ) # TODO: fix (Deactivated due to: ValueError: call stack is not deep enough) # async with AIOFile('static/schema.yaml', 'w+') as afp: # await afp.write(schema) # BUG: ValueError: call stack is not deep enough return HTMLResponse( schema, schema_url="/static/schema.yaml", theme="swaggerui", static_url="/static/", ) )
[docs] def add_schema( self, name: str, schema: Schema, check_existing: bool = True ) -> None: """Adds a mashmallow schema to the API specification. :param name: ClassName :param schema: SchemaName of Class :param check_existing: make sure it is only added once """ if check_existing: assert name not in self.schema_models self.schema_models[name] = schema
[docs] def schema(self, name, **options): """Decorator for creating new routes around function and class definitions. Caveat: agent instance must exist in order to use it Usage:: @asgi_agent.schema("Pet") class PetSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str() """ def decorator(f): self.add_schema(name=name, schema=f, **options) return f return decorator
async def ws(self, ws): await ws.accept() await ws.send_text(f"Connected via ws with {self.agent.identity}") await ws.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger("aio_pika").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("core").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("mode").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("handler").setLevel(logging.INFO) setup_logging(logging.DEBUG) config = dict(UPDATE_PEER_INTERVAL=1.0) agent = Agent(identity="AsgiAgent", config=config) app = AsgiAgent(agent=agent, debug=True), host="", port=8000, log_level="info")